Roaring Stories

At Roaring Stories we lead with curiosity to help you communicate your message through playful learning, gamification or interactive storytelling. Our work combines technology, digital art and storytelling to facilitate companies, schools, museums and creatives.
All our stories start with extensive research on the subject and target audience. We make ourselves experts to make sure we don’t miss a thing.
Better safe than sorry! Already early in the process we involve the target audience to test concepts and take notes on improvements. From there we build various prototypes. This allows us to better visualize the quality of the experience and technology.
Combining all this knowledge in one design is the final step.
Captivating Stories

Roaring Staff

We don’t design for today, but for tomorrow. If you try to hold on to the status quo, the easy way, the ideas and designs of tomorrow will never be discovered. At Roaring Stories we believe that designers reinvent the world. With every project we aim to make the lives of other people easier and more fun!
Undiscovered Stories

Undiscovered Stories

Europalaan – Centrum 2
6075 BV Herkenbosch
The Netherlands
Understand we don’t just hop on a plane to meet you. This isn’t because we don’t want to see your lovely face or we try to be impolite. But these Roaring 20’s provide us with communication tools that have less impact on our planet.