Innovating Well-being – Empowering Through Interactive Solutions
Transforming Lives with Leef!kaarten, TREAT and MIBBO
Zuyd University is an ambitious institution of higher education, strategically located in the heart of Europe. They are committed to three core activities: education, research, and professional training. We collaborate closely with the Lectorate of Nutrition, Lifestyle, and Exercise.
Leef!kaarten – Elevating Vitality
We started at ZUYD Univesity with Leef!kaarten, a project that encourages individuals and organizations to explore healthier lifestyle choices. We have crafted an engaging and interactive challenge designed to empower employees and individuals to embrace vitality. The Leef!kaarten challenge underwent a successful pilot program with several teams at Zeeman department store. The challenges focus on several area’s in your life, food choices, exersice, mindset and relaxing and sleep. Participants first map their current behavior, then they challenge themselves to replace bad habits with healthier ones.
TREAT – Empowering Therapists
TREAT is a platform that supports physical therapists and physical therapy students with valuable resources. ZUYD University developed a comprehensive platform offering access to diverse exercises and in-depth treatment information. Collaborating closely with our colleagues at ZUYD’s video department, we’ve enriched the platform with practical and theoretical video content. These resources enhance the learning experience for therapists and students alike.
MIBBO – Fostering Autonomy in Care
Our ongoing project, MIBBO, is an innovative e-learning initiative designed to equip caregivers in nursing homes and healthcare facilities with a powerful assessment-tool. The e-learning program teaches a photo-interview method, empowering residents to have a voice in shaping their daily activities. This method not only promotes autonomy but also fosters meaningful exercises and overall well-being among care home residents.
At Zuyd University, we are your partners in storytelling through various media. We specialize in translating extensive research into captivating and interactive products. Whether it’s crafting engaging challenges, creating informative videos, or developing empowering e-learning programs, we are committed to making a positive impact.